For ages, I thought I didn't enjoy crafting with my kids....
'Can we craft mummy' was always greeted half heartedly
and to be honest made me feel a little guilty. I'd often try and re-direct them with an offer to go to the park, or play a game. If they insisted then I would dutifully get an idea from Pinterest and it would more often than not end up with me sitting alone at a messy table finishing off what ever it was they'd lost interest in. It didnt make me feel good at all.
And then one day I had an idea.....
I was going away with my girlfriends leaving my husband in charge of the kids. It was rainy and cold with not a lot to do, I knew he hated mess of any kind, so crafting for him was way down the list but on a cold winter weekend it was something the kids would want....
So I came up with an idea to prepare some craft kits for the kids that didnt require preparation, no glue, no scissors and minimal mess - just colouring pens.
It was a huge success and I was gifted the colourful creations and stories about their crafting time with Daddy, he was happy because it was a lot less hassle than he expected and
(the best bit) he enjoyed doing it with them. Success

........And so Loubiblu began, since then I have refined and improved my designs keeping them 'fuss free' no glue and no scissors so you have more time to enjoy a creative connection with your children without the hassle of preparation and the dread of clearing up.
Here's a picture of me and some lovely friends enjoying a (hot) cup of coffee with all our kids, 4, 7, 8 and 10 - happily entertained with Loubiblu kits!